Faites la différence avec votre travail.
Chez goeasy, nous nous employons à rendre la vie des Canadiens un peu plus facile. En tant qu'employeur, goeasy s'est engagée à offrir à ses employés des salaires, des avantages sociaux et des possibilités de carrière hors pairs. Nous faisons un travail qui fait la différence. Ensemble, faisons la différence avec notre travail.
- Emplois publiques
- Emplois internes uniquement
Page 1 sur 10
18.00 $ à 20.00 $ par heure
Unité commerciale
easyhome> Laval (eh 705)
Laval, Québec
Dans le présent document, le masculin est utilisé dans le seul but d’alléger le texte.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyhome est la plus grande entreprise de location-achat au Canada ! Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens ordinaires à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et financiers en rendant les meubles et articles ménagers abordables grâce à des plans de paiement hebdomadaires et mensuels.
En tant que Spécialiste de la location, vous serez chargé de générer des ventes de nos meubles et articles ménagers en dialoguant directement avec nos clients et en les aidant à trouver l’article désiré et un plan de versements abordables.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
Salaire: 18$-20$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu’est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif de primes mensuelles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilité de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et annuelles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Bâtir des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en accueillant les clients et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation et leurs besoins
Éduquer les clients et leur fournir les moyens d'atteindre leurs objectifs financiers en bâtissant un dossier de crédit
Tirer parti des diverses ventes croisées et des produits complémentaires en optimisant la croissance des magasins de détail
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers
Soutenir les opérations de vente au détail en gérant les comptes clients, les activités de recouvrement, ainsi que le marchandisage et l'entretien du magasin
Obtenir tous les renseignements nécessaires pour répondre aux demandes de produits et de services des clients en portant une attention particulière aux détails
Être ouvert en communiquant de manière transparente les conditions générales de nos ententes de location et suivre les meilleures pratiques de vente afin de minimiser les recouvrements futurs
Ce que nous recherchons :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente – vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Une expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (casier judiciaire, emploi)
Un permis de conduire canadien de classe 5 valide est considéré comme un atout
L'aptitude à soulever plus de 25 kg est considérée comme un atout
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyhome est la plus grande entreprise de location-achat au Canada ! Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens ordinaires à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et financiers en rendant les meubles et articles ménagers abordables grâce à des plans de paiement hebdomadaires et mensuels.
En tant que Spécialiste de la location, vous serez chargé de générer des ventes de nos meubles et articles ménagers en dialoguant directement avec nos clients et en les aidant à trouver l’article désiré et un plan de versements abordables.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
Salaire: 18$-20$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu’est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif de primes mensuelles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilité de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et annuelles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Bâtir des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en accueillant les clients et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation et leurs besoins
Éduquer les clients et leur fournir les moyens d'atteindre leurs objectifs financiers en bâtissant un dossier de crédit
Tirer parti des diverses ventes croisées et des produits complémentaires en optimisant la croissance des magasins de détail
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers
Soutenir les opérations de vente au détail en gérant les comptes clients, les activités de recouvrement, ainsi que le marchandisage et l'entretien du magasin
Obtenir tous les renseignements nécessaires pour répondre aux demandes de produits et de services des clients en portant une attention particulière aux détails
Être ouvert en communiquant de manière transparente les conditions générales de nos ententes de location et suivre les meilleures pratiques de vente afin de minimiser les recouvrements futurs
Ce que nous recherchons :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente – vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Une expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (casier judiciaire, emploi)
Un permis de conduire canadien de classe 5 valide est considéré comme un atout
L'aptitude à soulever plus de 25 kg est considérée comme un atout
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
22.00 $ par heure
Unité commerciale
easyhome> Montréal (eh 704)
Montréal, Québec
Dans le présent document, le masculin est utilisé dans le seul but d’alléger le texte.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyhome est la plus grande entreprise de location-achat au Canada ! Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens ordinaires à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et financiers en rendant les meubles et articles ménagers abordables grâce à des plans de paiement hebdomadaires et mensuels.
En tant que Chauffeur/Livreur, vous aurez un rôle important à jouer pour que nos clients soient pleinement satisfaits de nos services lorsqu'ils reçoivent leur article.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
20-22$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu'est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif de primes mensuelles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilité de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et annuelles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Bâtir des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en accueillant les clients et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation, leurs besoins et en proposant des solutions
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers et la manière dont nous pouvons les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs
Soutenir les opérations de vente au détail en soutenant le marchandisage et l'entretien du magasin
Fournir le meilleur service lors de la livraison de nos articles au domicile des clients
Votre profil en tant que candidat retenu :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente – vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Une expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients
Permis de conduire de classe 5 permanent avec dossier de conduite en règle
Aptitude à soulever plus de 25 kg et à déplacer de gros articles ménagers
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (casier judiciaire, emploi et dossier conducteur)
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyhome est la plus grande entreprise de location-achat au Canada ! Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens ordinaires à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et financiers en rendant les meubles et articles ménagers abordables grâce à des plans de paiement hebdomadaires et mensuels.
En tant que Chauffeur/Livreur, vous aurez un rôle important à jouer pour que nos clients soient pleinement satisfaits de nos services lorsqu'ils reçoivent leur article.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
20-22$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu'est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif de primes mensuelles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilité de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et annuelles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Bâtir des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en accueillant les clients et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation, leurs besoins et en proposant des solutions
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers et la manière dont nous pouvons les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs
Soutenir les opérations de vente au détail en soutenant le marchandisage et l'entretien du magasin
Fournir le meilleur service lors de la livraison de nos articles au domicile des clients
Votre profil en tant que candidat retenu :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente – vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Une expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients
Permis de conduire de classe 5 permanent avec dossier de conduite en règle
Aptitude à soulever plus de 25 kg et à déplacer de gros articles ménagers
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (casier judiciaire, emploi et dossier conducteur)
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
19.00 $ à 21.00 $ par heure
Unité commerciale
easyfinancière> Granby [2725]
Granby, Québec
Dans le présent document, le masculin est utilisé dans le seul but d’alléger le texte.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyfinancière est l'une des principales sociétés de prêts non préférentiels au Canada. Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens et les Canadiennes à réaliser leurs objectifs personnels et financiers grâce à des prêts garantis et non garantis allant jusqu'à 100 000 $, lorsque leur demande de crédit a été refusée partout ailleurs.
En tant que représentant des services financiers, vous serez chargé de générer des ventes et de gérer les comptes en souffrance en dialoguant directement avec les clients, afin de les aider à bâtir ou à rétablir leur crédit en effectuant leurs versements mensuels.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
19-21$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu'est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif comprenant des primes mensuelles, trimestrielles et semestrielles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
L'obtention de permis REMIC est disponible
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilités de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et semestrielles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Offrir aux clients des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en les accueillant et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation et leurs besoins et en trouvant un produit financier qui leur convient
Éduquer les clients et leur fournir les moyens d'atteindre leurs objectifs financiers en bâtissant un dossier de crédit
Tirer profit des ventes croisées de solutions financières et de produits complémentaires
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers
Examiner et évaluer les prêts potentiels par le biais d'analyses financières et d'autres évaluations des risques
Gérer les activités de recouvrement pour tous les comptes financiers en souffrance
Obtenir tous les renseignements nécessaires pour répondre aux demandes de produits et de services des clients en portant une attention particulière aux détails
Votre profil en tant que candidat retenu :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente - vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Vous apportez votre expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients.
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (criminels, emploi et crédit)
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à l'une des entreprises connaissant la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy Ltd. est l'employeur idéal ! Reconnu comme l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés d'Amérique du Nord, nous voulons attirer les meilleurs talents dans notre équipe.
easyfinancière est l'une des principales sociétés de prêts non préférentiels au Canada. Nous sommes fiers d'aider les Canadiens et les Canadiennes à réaliser leurs objectifs personnels et financiers grâce à des prêts garantis et non garantis allant jusqu'à 100 000 $, lorsque leur demande de crédit a été refusée partout ailleurs.
En tant que représentant des services financiers, vous serez chargé de générer des ventes et de gérer les comptes en souffrance en dialoguant directement avec les clients, afin de les aider à bâtir ou à rétablir leur crédit en effectuant leurs versements mensuels.
Vous n'avez pas d'expérience, mais vous cherchez une possibilité de carrière ? Nous proposons des programmes de formation complets afin de vous doter des outils nécessaires à votre réussite.
19-21$ de l'heure (selon l'expérience) + bonus mensuels disponible et avantages sociaux
Qu'est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
Un ensemble d'avantages et de privilèges qui vont au-delà de votre salaire de base :
Plan incitatif comprenant des primes mensuelles, trimestrielles et semestrielles
Cotisations égales au REER et au régime d'achat d'actions des employés
Santé et mode de vie
Couverture étendue des soins de santé, y compris la santé mentale et les soins de santé virtuels sur demande
5 jours de congé personnel, jours de bénévolat payés par l'entreprise, dimanches de congé et un congé d'anniversaire payé, en plus des jours de vacances payés
Programme d’offres pour les employés Perkopolis
L'obtention de permis REMIC est disponible
Offres pour les employés sur le mobilier, l'électronique et les appareils ménagers
easyloans – les employés ont accès à des prêts à des taux d'intérêt réduits
Programme d'aide financière aux études
Possibilités de récompenses mensuelles, trimestrielles et semestrielles
Programmes de développement du leadership – taux de promotion interne supérieur à 70 % !
Vos responsabilités :
Offrir aux clients des expériences de vente de qualité supérieure en les accueillant et en dialoguant avec eux en personne, au téléphone et par courriel
Faire preuve de compassion et d'empathie pour nos clients en comprenant leur situation et leurs besoins et en trouvant un produit financier qui leur convient
Éduquer les clients et leur fournir les moyens d'atteindre leurs objectifs financiers en bâtissant un dossier de crédit
Tirer profit des ventes croisées de solutions financières et de produits complémentaires
Communiquer les conditions générales de nos produits financiers
Examiner et évaluer les prêts potentiels par le biais d'analyses financières et d'autres évaluations des risques
Gérer les activités de recouvrement pour tous les comptes financiers en souffrance
Obtenir tous les renseignements nécessaires pour répondre aux demandes de produits et de services des clients en portant une attention particulière aux détails
Votre profil en tant que candidat retenu :
Excellent communicateur, axé sur les gens et les résultats, cherchant à stimuler les ventes et à accroître la satisfaction des clients
Vous faites preuve de compassion et d'intégrité dans chaque vente - vous vous préoccupez profondément de nos clients !
Vous apportez votre expérience dans un environnement en contact direct avec les clients.
Capacité à se soumettre à des vérifications des antécédents (criminels, emploi et crédit)
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Moncton (efs 2947)
Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstrate compassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicate the terms and conditions of our financial products
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Manage collections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secure all required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstrate compassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicate the terms and conditions of our financial products
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Manage collections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secure all required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Owen Sound (efs 2534)
Owen Sound, Ontario
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyhome> Red Deer (eh 215)
Red Deer, Alberta
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
President’s Trip – week-long dream vacations for top performers
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
President’s Trip – week-long dream vacations for top performers
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
22.00 $ à 24.00 $ par heure
Unité commerciale
Head Office> Lendcare Montréal
Montréal, Québec
Si vous cherchez à rejoindre l'une des entreprises à la croissance la plus rapide au Canada, goeasy est l'endroit idéal pour vous ! Certifiée Great Place to Work®, reconnue comme l'une des cultures d'entreprise les plus admirées au Canada, l'un des 100 meilleurs employeurs de la région du Grand Toronto, l'une des 50 meilleures technologies financières au Canada et l'un des lieux de travail les plus engagés en Amérique du Nord, nous voulons que les meilleurs et les plus brillants se joignent à notre équipe.
Nous recherchons des représentant(e)s du service à la clientèle pour se joindre à une équipe de professionnels afin de fournir un service exceptionnel à nos partenaires à travers le Canada. Il s'agit d'un poste interentreprises qui consiste à aider les partenaires de LendCare à répondre à leurs questions. Le candidat retenu doit avoir de l'expérience en service à la clientèle et aimer travailler dans un environnement d'équipe où les activités se déroulent à un rythme rapide.
Responsabilités :
Fournir un service à la clientèle exemplaire et s'assurer que nos partenaires reçoivent toujours le type de service de qualité auquel ils s'attendent.
Répondre aux questions et aux demandes des partenaires (par téléphone, chat et e-mail).
Poser d'excellentes questions pour identifier les besoins des partenaires et résoudre les demandes de manière efficace.
Prendre la responsabilité de résoudre les problèmes du début à la fin.
Fournir un service de première classe à chaque interaction avec le client
Démontrer une connaissance approfondie de nos services
Exigences :
Une expérience dans un environnement de travail mesuré en contact avec la clientèle est considérée comme un atout.
1 à 2 ans d'expérience dans un environnement de centre d'appels
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale avec la capacité de créer des expériences mémorables pour les clients
Orienté vers la réalisation et les résultats, avec une attitude positive.
Empathie, compassion et intégrité - vous vous souciez vraiment des clients !
Maîtrise des logiciels de bureautique Microsoft (Excel, Word et Outlook), bonne maîtrise du clavier et capacité à apprendre et à maîtriser de nouveaux logiciels.
Capacité à effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois, à s'adapter au changement dans un environnement au rythme rapide et à travailler de façon autonome.
Bilingue en anglais et en français
Disponibilité à temps plein pour travailler sur place à notre siège social de Montréal, QC
Exigences supplémentaires pour les candidats internes :
Doit être dans votre poste actuel depuis au moins 6 mois
Avoir l'aval/soutien de votre manager actuel
Être en règle - pas de problèmes/avertissements RH, ne pas être sous plan d'amélioration de la performance (PIP)
Horaire : Équipe du matin de 9h00 à 17h00/11h00 à 19h00 du lundi au vendredi et occasionnellement le samedi.
A propos de nous:
Nous sommes une société cotée à la Bourse de Toronto (TSX) dont le rendement pour les actionnaires dépasse les 4000 % depuis 2001. Accréditée par le Bureau d'éthique commerciale, goeasy Ltd est une société canadienne qui fournit des services de crédit-bail et de prêt non privilégiés par le biais d'easyhome, easyfinancial et LendCare. Nous offrons une grande variété de produits et de services financiers, notamment la location avec option d'achat, des prêts à tempérament garantis et non garantis, des prêts automobiles directs aux consommateurs et des financements aux points de vente à commerçants dans les secteurs des sports motorisés, de l'automobile, de la vente au détail, de la rénovation de la maison et de la santé.
LendCare Capital Inc, filiale à part entière de goeasy Ltd, est une société canadienne de technologie et de financement des consommateurs au point de vente, qui permet à plus de 10 000 entreprises d'augmenter leurs revenus en fournissant un éventail complet de financement au point de vente. Depuis plus d'une décennie, LendCare a ouvert la voie à des options de financement rapides, fiables et abordables pour les secteurs des sports motorisés, de l'automobile, de la vente au détail, de l'amélioration de l'habitat et de la santé, tout en traitant plus de 10 milliards de dollars de demandes de prêt à ce jour. Grâce à une équipe dévouée d'experts financiers et à des partenariats bien établis avec des commerçants, des concessionnaires et des courtiers, LendCare comble le fossé entre le pointage de crédit et les clients qui vivent leur meilleure vie.
Diversité, inclusion et équité
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Nous recherchons des représentant(e)s du service à la clientèle pour se joindre à une équipe de professionnels afin de fournir un service exceptionnel à nos partenaires à travers le Canada. Il s'agit d'un poste interentreprises qui consiste à aider les partenaires de LendCare à répondre à leurs questions. Le candidat retenu doit avoir de l'expérience en service à la clientèle et aimer travailler dans un environnement d'équipe où les activités se déroulent à un rythme rapide.
Responsabilités :
Fournir un service à la clientèle exemplaire et s'assurer que nos partenaires reçoivent toujours le type de service de qualité auquel ils s'attendent.
Répondre aux questions et aux demandes des partenaires (par téléphone, chat et e-mail).
Poser d'excellentes questions pour identifier les besoins des partenaires et résoudre les demandes de manière efficace.
Prendre la responsabilité de résoudre les problèmes du début à la fin.
Fournir un service de première classe à chaque interaction avec le client
Démontrer une connaissance approfondie de nos services
Exigences :
Une expérience dans un environnement de travail mesuré en contact avec la clientèle est considérée comme un atout.
1 à 2 ans d'expérience dans un environnement de centre d'appels
Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale avec la capacité de créer des expériences mémorables pour les clients
Orienté vers la réalisation et les résultats, avec une attitude positive.
Empathie, compassion et intégrité - vous vous souciez vraiment des clients !
Maîtrise des logiciels de bureautique Microsoft (Excel, Word et Outlook), bonne maîtrise du clavier et capacité à apprendre et à maîtriser de nouveaux logiciels.
Capacité à effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois, à s'adapter au changement dans un environnement au rythme rapide et à travailler de façon autonome.
Bilingue en anglais et en français
Disponibilité à temps plein pour travailler sur place à notre siège social de Montréal, QC
Exigences supplémentaires pour les candidats internes :
Doit être dans votre poste actuel depuis au moins 6 mois
Avoir l'aval/soutien de votre manager actuel
Être en règle - pas de problèmes/avertissements RH, ne pas être sous plan d'amélioration de la performance (PIP)
Horaire : Équipe du matin de 9h00 à 17h00/11h00 à 19h00 du lundi au vendredi et occasionnellement le samedi.
A propos de nous:
Nous sommes une société cotée à la Bourse de Toronto (TSX) dont le rendement pour les actionnaires dépasse les 4000 % depuis 2001. Accréditée par le Bureau d'éthique commerciale, goeasy Ltd est une société canadienne qui fournit des services de crédit-bail et de prêt non privilégiés par le biais d'easyhome, easyfinancial et LendCare. Nous offrons une grande variété de produits et de services financiers, notamment la location avec option d'achat, des prêts à tempérament garantis et non garantis, des prêts automobiles directs aux consommateurs et des financements aux points de vente à commerçants dans les secteurs des sports motorisés, de l'automobile, de la vente au détail, de la rénovation de la maison et de la santé.
LendCare Capital Inc, filiale à part entière de goeasy Ltd, est une société canadienne de technologie et de financement des consommateurs au point de vente, qui permet à plus de 10 000 entreprises d'augmenter leurs revenus en fournissant un éventail complet de financement au point de vente. Depuis plus d'une décennie, LendCare a ouvert la voie à des options de financement rapides, fiables et abordables pour les secteurs des sports motorisés, de l'automobile, de la vente au détail, de l'amélioration de l'habitat et de la santé, tout en traitant plus de 10 milliards de dollars de demandes de prêt à ce jour. Grâce à une équipe dévouée d'experts financiers et à des partenariats bien établis avec des commerçants, des concessionnaires et des courtiers, LendCare comble le fossé entre le pointage de crédit et les clients qui vivent leur meilleure vie.
Diversité, inclusion et équité
Chez goeasy, nous pensons que nous ne pouvons être les meilleurs que lorsque les gens peuvent donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes au travail, chaque jour. Nous nous sommes engagés à cultiver et à préserver une culture de travail où nous célébrons l'inclusion et où chaque employé se sent vu et entendu, pour pouvoir réaliser son plein potentiel. En tant qu'employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi, nous nous engageons à fournir des mesures d'adaptation aux candidats qui en font la demande, à n'importe quelle étape du processus de recrutement, conformément à toutes les exigences législatives en vigueur au Canada. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez besoin d'une mesure d'adaptation pendant tout aspect du processus de recrutement et nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins.
Unité commerciale
easyhome> Sussex (eh 937)
Sussex, Nouveau-Brunswick
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Leasing Specialist, you’ll be responsible for generating sales of our home goods through direct engagement with our customers, helping them find their desired product on an affordable payment plan.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon various cross-sales and add-on products maximizing retail store growth
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Support retail operationsby managing customer accounts, collection activities, and the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Be open by transparently communicating the terms and conditions of our lease agreements and follow best in class sales practices to minimize future collections
What we are looking for:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment)
Full class driver’s license is considered an asset
Ability to lift 50+ pounds is considered an asset
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Leasing Specialist, you’ll be responsible for generating sales of our home goods through direct engagement with our customers, helping them find their desired product on an affordable payment plan.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon various cross-sales and add-on products maximizing retail store growth
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Support retail operationsby managing customer accounts, collection activities, and the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Be open by transparently communicating the terms and conditions of our lease agreements and follow best in class sales practices to minimize future collections
What we are looking for:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment)
Full class driver’s license is considered an asset
Ability to lift 50+ pounds is considered an asset
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Langford (efs 2141)
Langford, Colombie-Britannique
Embark on a journey with one of Canada's fastest growing companies – welcome to goeasy! We have been honored with recognitions such as Waterstone Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures, the 2022 Report on Business Women Lead Here, Report on Business for Canada’s Top Growing Companies and TSX30 as one of the best performing companies on the TSX. We've also received the Greater Toronto Top Employers Award and certified as a Great Place to Work®. We're on the lookout for the best and brightest to join our team!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Branch Manager to join Branch 2141 (Gold Tier), located in the Langford, BC area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months of experience within a Standard branch as an EFS Branch or EH Store Manager, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer…
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Branch Manager to join Branch 2141 (Gold Tier), located in the Langford, BC area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months of experience within a Standard branch as an EFS Branch or EH Store Manager, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer…
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Lethbridge (efs 2205)
Lethbridge, Alberta
Embark on a journey with one of Canada's fastest growing companies – welcome to goeasy! We have been honored with recognitions such as Waterstone Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures, the 2022 Report on Business Women Lead Here, Report on Business for Canada’s Top Growing Companies and TSX30 as one of the best performing companies on the TSX. We've also received the Greater Toronto Top Employers Award and certified as a Great Place to Work®. We're on the lookout for the best and brightest to join our team!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Interim Branch Manager to join Branch 2205 (Gold Tier) on a 12-Month assignment, located in the Lethbridge, AB area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months of experience within a Standard branch as an EFS Branch or Eh Store Manager, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer.
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Interim Branch Manager to join Branch 2205 (Gold Tier) on a 12-Month assignment, located in the Lethbridge, AB area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months of experience within a Standard branch as an EFS Branch or Eh Store Manager, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer.
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Edmonton (efs 2227)
Edmonton, Alberta
Embark on a journey with one of Canada's fastest growing companies – welcome to goeasy! We have been honored with recognitions such as Waterstone Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures, the 2022 Report on Business Women Lead Here, Report on Business for Canada’s Top Growing Companies and TSX30 as one of the best performing companies on the TSX. We've also received the Greater Toronto Top Employers Award and certified as a Great Place to Work®. We're on the lookout for the best and brightest to join our team!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Interim Branch Manager to join Branch 2227 (Gold Tier) on a 18-Month assignment, located in the Edmonton, AB area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months as a Financial Service Representative in an EFS branch or EH Store, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer.
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale financing through easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
easyfinancial is looking for a Interim Branch Manager to join Branch 2227 (Gold Tier) on a 18-Month assignment, located in the Edmonton, AB area. As a Branch Manager, you will lead your team through coaching and training, generate sales, manage overdue accounts, and maximize portfolio growth through direct engagement with customers.
About the Role:
Build superior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and via email.
Show compassion and empathy, understanding customers' needs and matching them with suitable financial products.
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals by building their credit.
Capitalize on financial cross-sales and add-on products.
Communicate terms and conditions of financial products clearly.
Review and evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and risk assessments.
Manage collections activities for all past-due accounts.
Secure required information to fulfill customer applications with strong attention to detail.
What We’re Looking For:
Proven experience in a leadership role, preferably in a sales environment.
Excellent communication skills, with a focus on people and results, aimed at driving sales and customer satisfaction.
Compassionate and operate with integrity in every sale, deeply caring for our customers.
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Eligibility for Internal Applicants:
Experience: Minimum of 12-18 months as a Financial Service Representative in an EFS branch or EH Store, NSSC/LC Team Manager, or Supervisor.
Individual Growth Plan: Completed or in-progress.
Endorsement: From your Regional Manager.
HR Clearance: Required.
Why should you work for goeasy?
In keeping with our mission to create better tomorrows for our employees, each year goeasy commits to continuously enhancing its total rewards. Here are some of the perks we offer.
Financial Benefits:
Leverage our RRSP match and Employee Share Purchase Plan programs.
Annual bonus that rewards your hard work and dedication.
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances.
MAT & PAT leave top-up.
Expand your financial knowledge through engaging Financial Literacy Learning opportunities.
Health and Lifestyle:
Enjoy company-paid volunteer days to give back to the community.
Access 24/7 healthcare with Virtual Doctor Appointments.
Personalize your benefits with a flexible modular benefits package.
Stay fit and energized with exclusive access to our on-site private gym at our head office.
Employee Perks:
Fuel your growth with the Tuition Assistance Program.
Double the impact of your generosity with Company Matched Charitable Donations.
Internal development training programs and platforms including job-specific training, career coaching, leadership excellence, mentorship, and many others.
Enjoy a state-of-the-art office space with perks like a games room, a healthy snack program, a fitness studio, free gated parking, and more!
Embark on a journey with one of Canada's fastest growing companies – welcome to goeasy! We have been honored with recognitions such as Waterstone Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures, the 2022 Report on Business Women Lead Here, Report on Business for Canada’s Top Growing Companies and TSX30 as one of the best performing companies on the TSX. We've also received the Greater Toronto Top Employers Award and certified as a Great Place to Work®. We're on the lookout for the best and brightest to join our team!
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale-financing though easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
Our team is empowered with enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our lending applications, that will modernize the way goeasy Ltd. manages our core lending business. Working with the Sr. Product Manager, and liaising with key internal Business Clients, technology teams and other client partners, the role will play a leading role in a diverse team of specialists who will build out, operationalize, and innovate across our ecosystem.
As a Business Analyst (14-month contract) you’ll leverage your analytical expertise, relationship skills and product knowledge to support internal clients and embed in technology, transforming business insights into concise deliverables and offering guidance on key product decisions. You will work collaboratively with other analysts, developers, and leaders at all levels, supporting the product development process.
What will you be doing?
Provide customer and product insights to internal data professionals, engineers, and developers responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our loan management platform across goeasy.
Provide advice, consultancy and advocacy of our lending systems, knowledge, and standard methodologies across the organization.
Facilitate exploration of the product solution and understand the business unit(s) and customers being supported.
Collaborate with internal clients to identify and document business requirements and opportunities, and capture and present as epics / user stories.
Use various problem-solving techniques (e.g., customer journey mapping, design thinking, business process mapping) and drive conversion into significant actions.
Construct framework for test cases (manual or automated).
Organize and oversee a repository for knowledge artifacts.
What experience do you have?
Highly collaborative and comfortable building and growing relationships across a broad set of customers and cross functional teams.
Possess strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills. Communicate topics, both technical and business to the appropriate audience.
Ability to work in an Agile team, applying Agile tools.
Experience with Salesforce CRM or similar.
IIBA, similar Certification or demonstrated experience.
A passion for customer experience, problem-solving and critical thinking.
An understanding of UI/UX, and web technologies.
Strong self-management, self-pacing, and organizational skills necessary.
Experience working in the financial sector an asset, but not required.
We offer a Flexible Work Program that provides you the ability to work three days onsite per week, between our Mississauga and downtown Toronto office.
Internal Applicants: please apply through the link and provide written endorsement from your current manager.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity Employment:
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Additional Information:
All candidates considered for hire must successfully pass a criminal background check, credit check, and validation of their work experience to qualify for hire. We thank all interested applicants, however we will only be contacting those for interview who possess the skills and qualifications outlined above.
Our vision is to provide everyday Canadians a path to a better tomorrow, today. As one of Canada’s leading non-prime consumer lenders, we offer a full suite of products including non-prime leasing, unsecured and secured loans as well as point-of-sale-financing though easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare.
Our team is empowered with enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our lending applications, that will modernize the way goeasy Ltd. manages our core lending business. Working with the Sr. Product Manager, and liaising with key internal Business Clients, technology teams and other client partners, the role will play a leading role in a diverse team of specialists who will build out, operationalize, and innovate across our ecosystem.
As a Business Analyst (14-month contract) you’ll leverage your analytical expertise, relationship skills and product knowledge to support internal clients and embed in technology, transforming business insights into concise deliverables and offering guidance on key product decisions. You will work collaboratively with other analysts, developers, and leaders at all levels, supporting the product development process.
What will you be doing?
Provide customer and product insights to internal data professionals, engineers, and developers responsible for designing, building, and maintaining our loan management platform across goeasy.
Provide advice, consultancy and advocacy of our lending systems, knowledge, and standard methodologies across the organization.
Facilitate exploration of the product solution and understand the business unit(s) and customers being supported.
Collaborate with internal clients to identify and document business requirements and opportunities, and capture and present as epics / user stories.
Use various problem-solving techniques (e.g., customer journey mapping, design thinking, business process mapping) and drive conversion into significant actions.
Construct framework for test cases (manual or automated).
Organize and oversee a repository for knowledge artifacts.
What experience do you have?
Highly collaborative and comfortable building and growing relationships across a broad set of customers and cross functional teams.
Possess strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills. Communicate topics, both technical and business to the appropriate audience.
Ability to work in an Agile team, applying Agile tools.
Experience with Salesforce CRM or similar.
IIBA, similar Certification or demonstrated experience.
A passion for customer experience, problem-solving and critical thinking.
An understanding of UI/UX, and web technologies.
Strong self-management, self-pacing, and organizational skills necessary.
Experience working in the financial sector an asset, but not required.
We offer a Flexible Work Program that provides you the ability to work three days onsite per week, between our Mississauga and downtown Toronto office.
Internal Applicants: please apply through the link and provide written endorsement from your current manager.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity Employment:
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Additional Information:
All candidates considered for hire must successfully pass a criminal background check, credit check, and validation of their work experience to qualify for hire. We thank all interested applicants, however we will only be contacting those for interview who possess the skills and qualifications outlined above.
Unité commerciale
Head Office> LendCare Pickering
Pickering, Ontario
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest-growing companies, goeasy is the place for you! Certified as a Great Place to Work®, recognized as Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures, the GTA's Top 100 Employers, one of Canada’s Top 50 Fintech’s and North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces - we want the best and brightest to join our team!
We are in search of a Support Representative who will be responsible for providing administrative support to the Business Development team. The successful candidate will play a vital role in ensuring the smooth onboarding of our partners by meticulously managing documentation, conducting thorough background checks, and maintaining seamless communication.
Collaborate with Business Development Representatives to collect and review partnership documentation.
Oversee the department pipeline, ensuring timely action on all eligible files to maintain efficiency and productivity.
Validate partner information through comprehensive reviews, including document scrutiny, research, background, and reference checks.
Conduct internet research to gather visual evidence of business locations and due diligence on business owners.
Perform local business and insurance verification calls to ensure partner credibility.
Liaise with partners directly to gather necessary clarifications and additional details as needed.
Efficiently organize and maintain files pertinent to the business development process.
Handle a variety of communication tasks, including managing incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Bilingual in English and French.
Proven experience in an administrative capacity, such as Office Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Data Entry Clerk, or Office Manager.
Proficiency in Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
Exceptional attention to detail.
Professional and pleasant telephone manner
Strong command of both verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to excel in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment.
Fulltime availability to work in our Pickering, ON office; Monday - Friday, 9AM – 5PM
About Us:
We are a publicly-traded company on the TSX with over 4000% shareholder return since 2001. Accredited by the Better Business Bureau, goeasy Ltd is a Canadian company that provides non-prime leasing and lending services through easyhome, easyfinancial and LendCare. We offer a wide variety of financial products and services including lease-to-own merchandise, unsecured and secured installment loans, direct-to-consumer auto loans, and point-of-sale financing to merchants in the powersports, automotive, retail, home improvement, and health sectors.
LendCare Capital Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of goeasy Ltd., is a Canadian point-of-sale consumer finance and technology company, which enables over 10,000 businesses to increase their revenue by providing full credit spectrum financing at the point-of-sale. For over a decade, LendCare has cleared a path to providing fast, reliable, and affordable financing options for the powersports, automotive, retail, home improvement, and health sectors, while processing over $10 billion in loan applications to date. With a dedicated team of finance experts and well-established partnerships with merchants, dealerships, and brokers, LendCare bridges the gap between credit score and customers living their best life.
Why join us:
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity Employment"
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Additional Information: All candidates considered for hire must successfully pass a criminal background check, credit check, and validation of their work experience to qualify for hire.
We thank all interested applicants; however, we will only be contacting those for interview who possess the skills and qualifications outlined above.
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Delivery Specialist, you will have a large impact in ensuring our customers are fully satisfied with our services when they are receiving our product.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby supporting the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when delivering our products to customers homes
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, driving history)
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Lawrence Square Mall, Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyfinancial> Toronto - Lawrence Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyfinancial is one of Canada’s leading non-prime lenders, we pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals through secured and unsecured loans up to $75,000, when everyone else says no.
As a Financial Service Representative, you’ll be responsible for generating sales and managing overdue accounts through direct engagement with customers, helping them build their credit through monthly payments.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
REMIC Licensing is available
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situation and needs and matching them to a suitable financial product
Educate and empower customers to achieve their financial goals through building their credit
Capitalizeon financial cross-sales and add-on products
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products
Reviewand evaluate prospective loans through financial analysis and other risk assessments
Managecollections activities for all past due financial accounts
Secureall required information to fulfill customer applications for products and services with strong attention to detail
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented, looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operate with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
You bring some experience in a customer-facing environment
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment, and credit)
Why should you work for goeasy?
To learn more about our phenomenal culture, check out the video below or go to http://goeasy.com/careers/
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
Unité commerciale
easyhome> Yarmouth (eh 922)
Yarmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse
If you are looking to join one of Canada’s fastest growing companies, goeasy Ltd. is the place for you! Recognized as one of North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces, we want the best to join our team.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Customer Retention Specialist, you will maximize store revenues through management of customer accounts and payments past due, educating and empowering customers to achieve their financial goals through building credit.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby managing customer accounts, collection activities, and the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when supporting the delivery of our products to customers homes
Manage accounts receivables by monitoring overdue accounts on a weekly basis
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods is considered an asset
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment)
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
easyhome is Canada’s largest lease-to-own business! We pride ourselves on helping everyday Canadians achieve their personal and financial goals by making home goods affordable through weekly and monthly payment plans.
As a Customer Retention Specialist, you will maximize store revenues through management of customer accounts and payments past due, educating and empowering customers to achieve their financial goals through building credit.
No experience, but looking for a career opportunity? We offer full comprehensive training programs to equip you with the tools needed for success.
What’s in it for you:
Benefits and Perks package which goes beyond your base salary:
Monthly incentive plans
RRSP and Employee Share Purchase Plan matching
Health & Lifestyle
Extended healthcare coverage, including Mental Health and on-demand virtual healthcare
5 personal days, company paid volunteer days, Sundays off + paid birthday off in addition to paid vacation days
Perkopolis employee discount program
Employee discounts on furniture, electronics, and appliances
easyloans – employees have access to loans at lower interest rates
Tuition Assistance Program
Opportunities for monthly, quarterly, and annual awards
Leadership development programs – over 70% internal promotion rate!
What you will do:
Buildsuperior customer sales experiences by welcoming and engaging customers in person, over the phone, and by email
Demonstratecompassion and empathy for our customers by understanding their situations, needs, and offering solutions
Communicatethe terms and conditions of our financial products and how we can help them achieve their goals
Support retail operationsby managing customer accounts, collection activities, and the merchandising and maintenance of the store
Deliver best in class service when supporting the delivery of our products to customers homes
Manage accounts receivables by monitoring overdue accounts on a weekly basis
Who you are as the successful candidate:
Excellent communicator who is people and results-oriented looking to drive sales and increase customer satisfaction
Compassionate and operates with integrity on every sale – will care deeply for our customers!
Full class driver’s license with a driver’s abstract in good standing
Ability to lift 50+ pounds and move large home goods is considered an asset
Able to pass background checks (criminal, employment)
Some experience in a customer-facing environment
At goeasy, we believe that we can only be the best when people are able to bring their best selves to work every day. This means that we are committed to cultivating and preserving a work culture where we celebrate who we are, where everyone feels seen and heard and where every employee can fulfill their potential. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to providing accommodations for applicants upon request at any stage of the recruitment process in accordance with all legislative requirements throughout Canada. Please let us know if you require an accommodation during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.
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